Saturday October 15, Lea's 22nd birthday! It's our last day in Germany. The trip has flown by! I can't believe it's almost over.
We finished packing our stuff, grabbed breakfast at the hotel buffet (again, it was so yummy!) and then we checked out. Munich is only about 45 minutes from Augsburg and we made it pretty quickly.
It was SO GREAT to see Anne!!! (And of course, Chris, who is now her husband!) We dropped off our suitcase in their apartment and talked for a bit. It's a cute place, we liked it a lot!
We decided to walk around and see their neighborhood. They are right in the heart of Munich.
I can't believe I haven't seen Anne in 3.5 years! She is still as beautiful as ever! |
Anne, when you read this post, you are going to be so embarrassed because of all the good things I say about you! #sorrynotsorry
As her American mother, I am allowed to brag. haha So yeah, she looked more beautiful than I remembered. This day, more than any others, I wish the girls could be with us. These 3 young woman miss each other so much!
We saw some beautiful sights.
Church |
Doors in Europe are often extra beautiful! |
Ignore the cement truck. |
This is the government building where Anne and Chris got married! Germans get 2 weddings. The civil one and then the church one. |
A river runs through it |
I had no idea Munich has a huge park! It's called English Gardens. It reminds me of New York's Central Park. (Not that I have been there. But it seems the same. ha) It was beautiful! And we had a gorgeous day. Unbelievable weather! We walked all over this gorgeous park. There were a ton of people out. On the top of a big hill, there is this beautiful structure.
You are my sunshine |
Seriously. Could she BE any cuter? I know my girls are jealous of this time I get to spend with her!
Wow that one turned out pretty cool :) |
Ok next up, we followed the river over to a place where Anne and Chris said people surf. Brad and I were very confused. How can you surf in Munich? On a river? Well...
It was so cool! The river rushes under this bridge and somehow makes a big wave right there. People take turns jumping in and out. Well, they fall down. Super cool! I told them, they get the prize for showing us the most unique thing EVER on this trip!
I could see why it was crowded with spectators. So fun to watch! It was funny to see people walking around the park as well with surfboards.
More pretty buildings....
Reminded me of Paris |
We stopped at a great place for lunch. My lunch surprised me a bit. I thought it was going to be a flatbread type of meal, with ham and cheese. Turns out it was just toast pieces with ham and cheese. haha. It was really good though and I ate most of it! Except they gave me 5 extra pieces of bread which was a bit much.
Not what I expected, but good! |
I had to get a pic of Anne's lunch. It was an omelet and salad in bowls made of cabbage. It was prettier in person! |
Brad and Chris enjoyed some beer and talked a lot about beer and later drank many beers. Beer.
Our beautiful sunshine disappeared while we were in the restaurant. Still pretty sights, though!
The Rathaus, city hall. Impressive. |
Yes. This happens. |
Another view of the huge Rathaus |
Dragon |
Does Munich win for best Rathaus? I haven't seen a ton of them, but it beats any I have seen!!
That is a very very small car. |
We had a fantastic day! We went back to their apartment and Anne and I picked up a few groceries, Brad and Chris went to a store that sells all kinds of craft beer. They picked out some to try. Even some from the States.
We talked a lot. We FaceTimed Lea to sing happy birthday! We FaceTimed Lainie so she could say Hi to Anne and Chris! I watched Anne make a terrific dinner, and helped a tiny bit. She made a potato gratin dish that will now be a staple around here. It was sooooo good! And vegetarian. So even Lainie would eat it! Potatoes, carrots, onions, cheese, more cheese, a bit of cream.
Now I want to eat some.
We talked and talked some more, and went to bed about 11 since we had an early morning getting to the airport. It was a fabulous day and I am SO glad we got to spend time with them! Anne came to us as a "daughter" in the strangest way....God knew we should be "family!"
We got up and left before 7 am. I hated to wake them, but had to say goodbye! I cried a bit. Tried not record so far on this trip was good. Just a bit of "welling up" but no tears spilling over. As I walked down the stairs, on the street, and even as we started driving, I still cried. It felt like leaving a piece of my heart behind.
We had an easy and short flight to Amsterdam (I love those short flights where the plane never goes very high) and then a yucky 7.5 hour flight to Detroit. Our seats seemed smaller than ever before. It was not comfortable. At one point, I was so uncomfortable and felt like I couldn't go on. I looked at the flight tracker and we still had 3 hours left. I almost cried. But....we made it. And then YAY!! Our family and doggies!!
Feeling very thankful to God for this amazing opportunity.
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