Thursday, August 21, 2014

More Ocean Fun (and some nudity)

Thursday, August 21, 2014

That title got your attention, I bet!  I will get to the nudity later.

Woke up to the usual view from our bed:

It is very hot and humid again today.  When I step outside from the air conditioning, my glasses steam up.  We went swimming again to keep cool!  The ocean was a bit much for me, again.  It started out fun, but one rogue wave was determined to kill me.  It slammed me into Lainie and I apparently was grabbing at her and pulled down her bathing suit.  Ooops!  I felt like I was drowning and she may be, too.  So I grabbed.  She was fine, thank God.  (This is the first incidence of nudity today.  Thankfully only the fishes saw it, though.)  The wave really got me and I swallowed a lot of water.  When I finally emerged, I was coughing and puking up sea water.  It was really lovely!  I sat out after that and took pics and enjoyed watching my peeps.  Lea didn't stay in long, either.

Grandma took a snooze in front of our house!  Because the weirdos moved over :)

Where was this guy when some little kids got in trouble in the water?  Some awesome surfers saved them and brought them in to shore!
So the neighbors moved over again and are not in front of our house.  But there they are!  I took this while sitting on the deck off the master.  Good thing I am not naked out here (but who would EVER be naked on their balcony?)

Another piece of my heart right there.
 We have been seeing these offshore rigs all week and the lady at the realty place for our rental house said they are dredging up sand from the bottom of the ocean and bringing it to shore just north of here in Mirlo Beach to rebuild the shore there.  Storms have done tons of damage in the past couple of years.  These rigs are active all day, and lit up at night.  The Army Corps of Engineers is doing a great job, it seems!  Today, a tugboat was pulling some super long thing.  The pic shows the tugboat, the big rig in the background just right of it, and then the super long thing.  No idea what it is, but it's interesting!

Lainie dug a hole and found this eensy weensy blue crab!  Isn't he adorbs?

We relaxed and did our own thing (music, movies, books, naps!) and Brad and Grandma ran out to the store.  When they got back, we went out for dinner.  There is a little bar and grill down the road so we stopped in to check it out.  I was immediately not happy because there was no indoor seating.  It is so hot and sticky and I am a big baby.  But we sat down anyway.  The menu was full of seafood!  And the waitress described all the daily specials and I just kept hearing the word SHRIMP.  Slightly panicking (anaphylactic allergy here!) I calmed myself down and asked her what I could order that she could guarantee would not have touched shrimp.  (This usually goes well and there are plenty of options for me.  At a buffet in Vegas, the head chef himself came out and took me around telling me which dishes were safe for me.)  She says "Oh, well, we have tried this before.  But there is always some utensil or something that the cook has used on shrimp and he always forgets something."  OK, bye!  Geeze, that is scary.  We went down the road a bit further to a place called Watermen's Retreat.  It's a little complex with condos, watersports and a great restaurant that could handle my allergy with no problem!  We had a terrific meal!  We walked around the grounds after, while a live musician played and sang.  It was like we were in a movie, so cool!

It's on the Sound side of the island.  Marshy, very pretty.


The ice cream truck was there.  We didn't get ice cream, but Lea was very excited to see it and wanted a pic.

So.  While we were out looking at the water, listening to the music and discussing how awesome life is, I glanced up to the condos.  I will forever remember THIS room.

 Because a dude came out on his balcony to hang up his wet bathing suit.  And he was completely naked!  And just hanging out there!  (Literally.)  He stood there.  Went back in.  Came back out. Dried hisself off.  A few too many times.  Now, realize that this pic is taken from space or an airplane or something.  We were close.  Close enough to see everything.  EVERYthing.

It was hilarious!  Unless you were a teenage girl.  And then it was not funny.  Especially when we talked about it for hours.  Bahahahahaha!  (By the way, he was yelling down to his friend/girlfriend/wife and was definitely from Europe.  So it's ok that he was naked in public.  They have different norms, ya know.)

Once we got over that shock and laughter, we came back and Brad, Lainie and I took a walk down the beach.  Got a few more shells for the collection.

 We talked to the weird neighbors who caught a 2 foot shark last night out in front (probably of OUR house) and a 5'7" sting ray!  We saw the pic of that one.  It was enormous!  That is bigger than I am tall.  Holy Monster, batman.

Lainie and Brad took a final swim for the day.

The surfers that were out all day were still there.  We haven't seen many in front of our house yet, but today was the day.  It is fun to watch them!  These guys swam and came in.  We are all so exhausted from all this fresh air and ocean stuff.

The main theme today is: even if you have to see naked people, life is good.  We are richly blessed.

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